Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School!!! First Day of School!!

Yes this is one bus stop!

Today was Molly, Gracie, and Hunter's first day of school. They were all so excited!

Hunter was super excited today!! She is starting first grade this year. Just as always, she is very independent, she got ready and on the bus, she never even looked back.

Gracie, while I thought she might be the most difficult, was so excited this morning, her tights didn't even bother her. Normally, she won't wear tights unless I bribe her with ice cream or something. She was sporting new glasses and a new do. And while most kids would think a class in a portable would not be a good thing, this child sees no bad in it. Gracie will be starting third grade this year.

Molly, my dear sweet Molly, had a difficult morning for her first day of school. It seems that she has reached the age where she is starting to care what others say. Skirts are no longer cool and knee highs are for babies. Oh and they make her feet look fat too. This is one excuse I am pretty sure that I never gave my mom. But if I did I apologize now. She is starting fifth grade. She will be attending a 4th, 5th, and 6th grade multi-age classroom.

It is so hard to comprehend that these little girls, and while it is hard to admit, one big girl, use to be little babies. I will miss them this year while they are in school. Another year bigger!


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