Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ClickinMoms Photography WS Week 2

Well this week was much different than last week. They threw it all at us, this is for sure. This week are incorporating three different types of metering, white balance, and types of focus. Oh it sounds easy till you have to chase a two year old down the street and trying to meter a light that is constantly changing with your focus! :)

So my first shots are of the different lights that we are suppose to shoot in:
This one is my outdoor shot:

My indoor:


My mentor says that all the pics look great but that JuJu is a bit underexposed. I could have saved it by lowering my shutter speed. :)

Then we had to work with the white balance in the camera. White balance can either make you look like an umpa lompa from Willy Wonka or give you great looking skin. Mine were some where in the middle.

Auto White Balance: The camera pics it for you.

Incandescent white balance: A preset in the camera.

Custom White Balance: I achieved this by setting my camera to custom and taking a meter reading off of a white sheet of paper.

Out of these three, the AWB looks the best. I probably metered wrong of of my paper, but hey I am just beginning too!

The final shot was to incorporate it all together. So I custom white balanced my camera, found my focus modes that were good for my conditions, metered my light and set my metering. I also attempted what is called the back button focus. This button locks the focus on your subject while you can recompose your pic. It is a bit awkward, but I have to say totally worth it.
Here was my final product:

I am happy with my outcome of my pics. I would have loved to take the girls to some scenic park to do some lovely pics with them too. But time doesn't allow it this week and I am one of those folks that just can't stand to have a deadline hanging over them.
This is a fantastic workshop and I am so enjoying myself. Now if only the girls would hold still and smile!!


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