Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ClickinMoms Photography WS Week 3

This week we were given the lesson of light. How to find the light and make it work. I have been very lucky that this week has been so beautiful and the girls have been home for me to take pics of the. The girls have had conference week and they get out of school at 11:30.

So we have to show our pullbacks, where we took the pics and then our final pic. Remember my pics have to be in Jpegs only and straight out of the camera. I haven't edited them in anyway.

Those pics were taken on my front porch, in my garage, and downtown Snohomish. Yes even in a place where we stopped for cookies! We had a great time!

Part two of the assignment was to use our aperture in a creative way. So lacking in creative skills I did this. Aperature is what opens and closes your lens light to make it either very clear or have blurry background.

Part Three was to use our shutter speed to either slow motion or to stop motion: I chose to stop motion.

I am having a FANTASTIC time in this class and I really can't wait to do the second one! I have learned so much and the quality of my pictures has improved ten fold.

Next week is our last week and I will be a little sad to see it end!


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