Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2010

straighten tulips 2 copy

Well here they are FINALLY my tulip pics. I wish I could say that I got more, but really I didn't. First day there is was very bright and very hard to get pics of the girls and the second day I barely snapped but a few pics. There were three other photogs clicking away and I knew for sure that they were going to get something great. I plan to post their pics as soon as I have them all edited and ready to post from them. I promise you they are GREAT.

So if you are ever planning a trip to Washington State, I say come in April. The weather is still a little rainy but not as cold and the TULIPS are out. Washington State is the worlds largest producer of tulips, hard to believe. It is amazing to just drive among rolls and rolls of colors so bright and beautiful. The girls just love it.

The tulips are already gone for this year, but there is always next. It will be quite the celebration too, welcoming home Travis too. I can't wait!

This is my very favorite of the pics that I took this year at the tulips. Technically there are somethings wrong but with my mommy goggles on there isn't a thing.


My favorite purple tulips.

Purple tulip fields

Tippy Toeing

JuJu Pink tulips 

Typical Hunter look

Hunter look 

Amazing Colors...

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2010

I just love this kid.

Gracie smile 

Possibly my second fav this year of mine.

JuJu red tulips 

I decided to play around with some presets in Lightroom and like the effect that I gave this pic.

Juju back in tulips copy

Well I am told that these pink tulips smell like cotton candy and the orange ones smell like peanut butter.

JuJu in tulips copy

Gracie said this is her favorite.

pink flower copy


Lifestyle Class said...

Love the photo and the new watermark!

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