Monday, May 17, 2010

Rock Your Camera 201- Week 1

Okay so I am taking another workshop. I find it really helps pass the time when Travis is gone and give me such self confidence. I am finding out that workshops for me are the way to go. They are interactive and I have a deadline. If I didn't it would get pushed under the rug till I found the time to do it.

This is the first week. We are learning the basics of Lightroom, such as importing, exporting, and the basic editing panel. Also we are learning compesition, there are three basic shots the head, 2/3 body, and full length shot.

Our assignment this week was to take three pics, one of each of the different styles and edit them using the basic paneling screen. Then we are to sign up for a professional printer and have these three shots printed and two from our previous portfolio.

I am so anxious about this class this week. I think mainly because I really haven't had the time to dedicate to it. I am such a perfectionist and found so manly flaws in my shots, but wanted to get it done for Travis' homecoming too. I submitted tonight with one hand over my eyes and hoping for no horrid comments.

Here are the shots that I chose:

1. Head Shot
I chose this, well to be honest, I accidentally deleted the my favorite shot and this was my second favorite. UGH! But I love that I have a pic of her now with no front teeth too!

2. 2/3 Body Shot
I wasn't to sure about this one but I like the pose and I like the fact that I can see the blue in her eyes too.

3. Full Body Shot
I really do love this shot. It is just sweet like Molly.

Here are my other two shots that I chose from my portfolio:

Since I posted so late tonight I am not sure what my CC will be, but I am sure that it won't all be good, but it will be a learning experience no matter what. And know what, I will be that much better next week because of it!


Lisa said...

Love 'em all but the one of Hunter jumping in front of the car is really great!!!

Monique said...

I like the one in front of the brick wall, I love how crazy the bricks are lining up! Quick question: Must you use LightRoom for this workshop or could you use ACR that comes with Photoshop?

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