Monday, May 10, 2010

Toothy Love and Bathtub Fun!

So Hunter has been trying and trying to pull her front tooth out. I felt so bad for her, she would wiggle and wiggle it and nothing! At one time she said she didn't want to wiggle it out anymore since it was her only chipped tooth! I remember when she chipped that little tooth, he sister tripped her on the  terrazo floors in housing. You can imagine the screaming and crying that came with it. It also changed her little smile forever. Hunter and he cute little chipped front tooth.

But now with her front tooth about to fall out, I found myself a little sad, she is growing up, my little baby. Yes, yes, I know that I still have Juliette, but Hunter was a our little baby for a long time. She still seems so little to me now too.

So she continued to work and work:

Here baby smile.

Really Working it! JuJu has to help too.

Uh oh a little bit looser!

Wiggling it just a little more.

Her faces crack me up! I love to watch her in the mirror. 

FINALLY after working at it over and over again it fell out while we were in Forks. 

This is her big girl smile now. She is still my baby just growing up. 

I decided to snap a few of the girls while in the tub. They are such little hams too! 

JuJu loves to braid hair. 

I love this kid. 

Look at these hams. 


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