Wednesday, July 28, 2010

8 X 30 Project Day 13- Busy Busy

Again another busy day for us. It really seems to never stop.

Today started off bright and early with a visit to the dr for Molly. Poor thing had to have a wart froze off of her hand. She was brave but it was hurting her pretty bad tonight before bed.

Then after lunch we headed out again to drop Hunter and JuJu at The Nest, while Gracie and Molly went with me to my appointment. Finally JuJu is so happy to go the Nest. She doesn't even say goodbye to me anymore.

After my appointment, I picked the girls back up and we headed to the vet for peg leg bird. While getting out of the car Hunter decided to have a meltdown. I decided to snap a few pics to show you guys, yes it does happen. LOL Hunter was not happy at all!!!!!

The vet visit went well and Charlie got her stitches out of her toe. She is still wearing the cone of shame but that is fine with me. She only has five toes left.

By this time it was time to feed the girls, so I decided to make a special night and head to Teddy's Bigger Burger in Woodinville. The girls and I just love this place. The food is excellent and the atmosphere is just a ton of fun.
Hunter in a much much better mood.
JuJu excited to eat!!

This is Travis the fish since he "shoots" rocks out of his mouth. Yep, you are welcome to take that one and run. :)

Lovin the aquarium.

This one is for you Travis. YUMMY!

Molly showing JuJu how to do a padgent face.

JuJu putting on her show. 

Gracie getting down too. My girls are not shy. 

Overall today was a really great day. Got to talk to my sister, FINALLY and a super duper friend. The girls were good, with one exception. :) Then we had a great dinner and a little fun time afterward. I almost forgot, according to the girls the best part was the movie tonight. I love movie night with the girls. 

Tomorrow we have a orthodontic appt and a trip to the zoo. We are meeting one of our online friends from clickinmoms at the zoo!! 

We miss you and love you much Travis!!


Jennifer Likes said...

I am so excited!!! I think I might be able to imagine them all in them too. LOL Time for the etsy store girl!

Travis Likes said...

Great pics, babe. As always, thank you very much for doing this. It looks like you had a fun day. Yes, your dinner was better than mine (no surprise there). I miss you guys!

Amy Ames said...

These are priceless. Love the restaurant photos. That burger looks like a commercial photo!
Who are you meeting at the zoo today? Have a great time!

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