Wednesday, July 21, 2010

8 X 30 Project Day 6 - Memories

Well today was pretty busy and the camera stayed here at the house. So the girls and I thought we would put their newly found skills at iMove to the test. Most, about 99%, of these have never been seen by anyone, besides us of course. We took them with the intentions of sharing them but never did. And most Travis has never seen since he would be deployed. The girls are pretty proud of their work and I hope you enjoy an intimate look into our memories.

Please feel free to scroll to the bottom and turn the music off to listen to the girls.

Memories that make us smile. 

Travis we hope you enjoyed your movie that we made for you and can forgive us for any embarrassing moments. We miss and love you very much. 


Unknown said...

That is soo awesome Jennifer! I wish I knew how to do something like that for Jason!

Karen Kwiatkowski said...

Well, that is just wonderful, even though it made me cry. Karen

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