Sunday, July 25, 2010

8 X 30 Project Day Ten- Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

Today was a very special day indeed! Gracie, Hunter, Juliette, Leticia, and I were able to attend a Mariners game. Mariners were playing the Boston Red Socks and boy oh boy did we ever have the good seats. I won tickets at Hunter's gymnastic silent auction, not realizing what a special deal it was. We were four rows back from the Red Socks Dugout. I mean we could see the beads of sweat on these guys!!! AWESOME.

The girls had a blast and only asked to go up to the concessions once because they were hot. You know the 84 degree temps were getting to them. :) But after a quick cool down and some dippin dots, they were ready to head back down to watch the game. They also quickly caught on that inbetween endings you could go down and talk to the guys in the dugout, another AWESOME!!

Surprise, Surprise... Mariners won 4-2 and what a fantastic game to make those runs right at the end. If you can't tell we had a really super time. After the game the girls were given the opportunity to run the bases. I mean how cool is that!

Enjoy the pics, I could not and still can not find my 50-200mm lens, so I only used my 35mm lens. But do I ever wish I had the longer lens. It would have been the best!!!

Please be sure to click on the pic to see it bigger. They are pretty neat. 

So because I have never been to a baseball game before and don't follow it, I can't tell you who is who. Sorry. I do know it is the BRS pitching. 

I just love this. The catcher is looking way up at the fowl ball.

Hunter surviving the heat.

I am guessing this is the BRS coaches.

Getting ready to bat.

Mom I am SO HOT!

This guy cracked me up with how he would swing the bat over his head.

The flag means just a little more to us this year.

Of course we had peanuts!!

BRS pitching now.

This guy struck out and had a few choice words to say.

Another strike out and more choice words.

Mariners up to bat and getting it done.

Sliding in to home. 

Another RUN!

Hunter and Gracie running the bases. Gracie is wearing the plaid dress and Hunter is in the blue shirt with pink ball cap.

Gracie crosses home plate!!

Hunter makes it home too! 

Thanks for looking at all of our pics! I know Travis will enjoying seeing a bit of what we did and saw. I can't wait to take the girls back. As we were leaving they were already begging to come back. Of course the seats won't be that good, but I think they will still like it very much. 

We miss you so much today Travis. I know how much you wanted to be here to take the girls. Love you and miss you.


Travis Likes said...

Wow, that is awesome, babe. Looks like those seats were pretty nice! I am glad that you guys had fun. It is tough to not get excited sitting that close. I really wish I could have been there. We are in our second day of slinging and catching planes, still knocking some of the rust off. Tell those girls I love them. I love you!

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