Monday, August 2, 2010

8 X 30 Project Day 18- Old Friends

Today was a relaxing and exciting day. We had a special visit from our Oklahoma City family. The Crow family, a fellow military family, is one of the most super families that I have ever had the privilege to encounter. We haven't seen them since we left OKC over four years ago. When we left Hunter was only 2! She wasn't even JuJu's size. So it was very nice to have them come to visit. Molly and Gracie will be so sad that they missed Mindy and Megan, their best buddies in OKC. But we will be there soon for more real hugs.

I only have one pic from today. The company was just to fantastic.

Leave it to my Molly to give me the first call from camp. She had a tubing accident. They thought she broke her wrist, but all is good and it is just a bruise. She was happy and so was I . :)


Travis Likes said...

Man, I wish I was there to see them. I miss you all.

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