Okay so I am sure I say this like every post but today was just crazy busy. We had everything to do and then even ran out of time!
The day started off early with doctors appointment for Hunter, Gracie, and Molly. No big deal just back to school stuff, but I ended up leaving there with referral for each of them! How does that happen? Again nothing really to big, just allergist, ENT, and a dermatologist, but that is just crazy.
Then we headed to Target to get some school supplies. I am a little early in getting them but I am also always afraid that I won't be able find something in time too. So this year Hunter is going into third grade and Molly and Gracie will be going into the same class. Gracie will be 4th and Molly will be 6th. It is a multi-age class with grades 4th-6th grades. Wonderful for Molly who started school early and great for both of them who are able to work up to their level and be challenged. We didn't realize till Molly was in this class that she didn't know how to study! Everything before was so easy, she just got it. Really a great class. But on to the shopping. So while shopping, I felt crazy, like I was buying the store out in a way. I had to get three times of most things and that really adds up and fills the cart up too. I should have brought my camera in to show you the looks I got. LOL And I am not done yet!
This is just an idea of what I got 54 #2 pencils, 3 boxes of crayons, 3 boxes of markers, 3 boxes of color pencils, 8 composition notebooks, 5 white notebooks, 2 notebooks, erasers, dry erase marker, highlighter, flair pens, red and black erasable pens and the list really goes on! I also found out today what a Quad Ruled Composition Notebook is...a notebook full of graph paper. I had never heard it called this. You can imagine my reaction when the retail clerk showed me the "Quad Ruled Notebooks". I was like, "OH, you mean graph paper, duh!" LOL
When we got home we still had to separate it all. This is not all of it either!
Then it was off to Trader Joes. I just love this place. Everything is good and the price is better. My favorite right now is there Carne Asade. I just throw it on the grill and instant fajitas! The girls love it too. When they find Freddie the Frog they get a lollipop.
We came home for a rest time and lunch and then back out again to the post office, yes Mande I sent you your sweatshirt!! Then to Costco, where I went to get allergy meds and orange juice and left with $125 worth of stuff. Those DAMN taste testers need to go away, especially when I am hungry. No junk food at least, hummus and stuff like that but GEEZ!
Finally we made it back home to unload, make dinner, finish up laundry, and head to bed. The girls don't have a clue about tomorrow. I am very excited for them. But it is just a normal day to them, tomorrow, eye appointment for Molly and then a drop off to Goodwill. Hopefully by then we can pick up Travis!!!
And for those of you who like to read my blog, I don't think there are many but I appreciate the few ones out there, I love you. :) LOL I still plan on continuing my project. I really do love doing this and I like the fact that you guys like to read it.
*Travis tonight JuJu was talking on the calculator, trying to call you. She cracks me up, but she was saying, "Daddy, Daddy, you coming home? You be here soon? Okay, I am coming to get you. I love you. BYE." How does she know? Love you*
I love reading your blog....it's so much fun, plus I feel a bit inspired to start my own.
I am thrilled to know I wasn't the only one who had no idea what a Quad Ruled comp book was. I thought it was some exotic comp book. I ordered it on Amazon and waited for it to come so I could check out this Quad ruled thing...imagine my disappointment to know it was only graph paper bound in a book.
Love the rainbow of school supplies that threw up all over your living room floor....!
I can't wait to see everyone. Hopefully Juju will actually be excited and not freaked out when she sees me. I will see you all soon!
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