Monday, August 23, 2010

8 X 30 Project Day 39- Gummy Bears

Well the word Gummy Bears just makes me laugh. Those of you parents who have seen the movie Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs knows exactly what I am talking about. Besides who doesn't like a gummy bear, soft, chewy, tangy and cute. My favorite is to take their heads and bodies and mix them around.

So today I saw Monica posted a challenge on Clickinmoms. The challenge was to be the 11th person to post a pic of 11 gummy bears. There couldn't be any greens, since she doesn't like green(Which I still need to protest about!) and the Haribo brand of gummy bears. I have to agree here, they are the BEST! So yes, I drove to Safeway to get some gummy bears. On the way I had the best idea on what to do with them. But getting JuJu to agree to doing it was a whole other story. Have you ever told a two year old to do something, especially when she already has a plan for herself. Well if you haven't it, is sort of like trying to drive forward with your car in reverse.

So this is how it started out. Not looking at me at all, running from fake spiders, and screaming.

Ahh...just maybe a look by chance.

No...don't look at Molly! Don't you want a lollipop?

This is where I told her that I was going to have Gracie do it.

Now there is my JuJu, with coach Molly behind me. :)


One of my attempts before I decided to do the "downed gummy bears".

I just love this pic. She was so proud of her tummy, but was done done done with the pics.

I actually got this one by chance as she was running in the backdoor from me. GEEZ!

I made one of my pics in at #6 (the "finally" pic), but while I was out getting Hunter the #11 was submitted. But what a super fun challenge; I really enjoyed doing it!!! I think the girls enjoyed it too, well at least the gummy bear part. They even made up a chant. "Too much gummy in my tummy will make my poo..." Well you get the picture. And yep, they are all mine. :)


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